It’s a YES! – Cathedral Quarter BID businesses celebrate positive BID result


Businesses across Cathedral Quarter have voted in favour of renewing their status as a Business Improvement District (BID) – which will continue to improve the trading environment and represent business interests over the next five years.

85% of votes cast voted in favour of the BID Renewal Ballot by total number of businesses, and 89% of votes cast voted in favour of the BID by Rateable Value. The result is the best ever ballot result for the Cathedral Quarter in its four ballots since the first one in 2007.

As a result of the yes vote, the renewal of Cathedral Quarter BID will commence on the 1st March 2023 and businesses with a rateable value of £2,000 or above will pay a levy based upon their rateable value, creating a collective fund of more than £1.4 million to spend over the next five years.

Speaking about the ‘Yes’ vote, Martin Langsdale (Raybould and Sons) Chair of the BID, said: “This is fantastic news for Cathedral Quarter and a huge congratulations must go to all the businesses which rallied and joined forces to ensure we secured a yes vote in our renewal ballot.”

To get involved in the shaping of the delivery of the new plan please contact the BID Manager Brad Worley on Tel: 01332 419053 or E mail

To download the CQ BID Proposal and Business Plan, please click the link below:
Download the 2023-2028 Business Plan


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