Become a Board Director for Cathedral Quarter BID

Cathedral Quarter BID is run by a Board of Directors, drawn predominantly from those paying a levy in the area and made up of a representative cross-section of businesses and stakeholders as well as key agencies associated with the successful delivery of the BID project.
The main role of the Board is to safeguard the interests of levy payers by ensuring that the business operates in line with the BID plan, is professional and offers consistent value for money in line with its targets. The Board will ensure that the implementation of the BID will be monitored and delivered cost-effectively, through keeping overheads to a minimum and using methods which will optimise the use of the revenue budget and add real value to the delivery of the plan.
If you are interested in becoming a BID Board Director, please contact the BID Office via or telephone the BID Project Manager, Brad Worley on 01332 419053.



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