The Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), in partnership with Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter Business Improvement Districts (BID’s), Derbyshire Constabulary and the East Midlands Major Trauma Centre, is pledging to purchase and distribute trauma kits to businesses across the city to be used in an emergency when somebody has suffered life-threatening knife injuries.
Designated employees will receive full training to use the kits, which will enable handlers to deliver critical blood loss management. This training will take between 75-90 minutes. The kits will be stored by businesses in much the same way as defibrillators which help in the critical minutes following a heart attack.
Derbyshire is no more violent than other parts of the country, however, it is better to be prepared should the unthinkable happen.
If your organisation is interested in signing up to receive a trauma kit and participate in a part-day training course please sign up here: