Purple Flag Accreditation

Derby City Centre - Purple Flag Accredited Since 2013

Derby City Centre is proud to be Purple Flag accredited.

Derby City Council, working in partnership with the Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter Business Improvement Districts (BID’s), has successfully retained the status since it was first awarded it in July 2013.

Derby City Centre - Purple Flag Accredited Since 2013

What is the Purple Flag Accreditation?

The Purple Flag accreditation is an award and recognition program designed to promote and celebrate the night time and evening economy in cities and towns. Similar to the way a Blue Flag is awarded to clean and safe beaches, the Purple Flag is awarded to places that meet or exceed certain criteria related to the safety, cleanliness, vibrancy, and quality of their evening and night time offerings.

The Purple Flag initiative was first introduced in the United Kingdom by the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) in 2009. Since then, it has expanded to several other countries. The program aims to encourage and support city and town centres in creating diverse and enjoyable night time experiences for residents and visitors while ensuring that they are safe and well-managed.

What is the Purple Flag Accreditation?

What Criteria is the Award Judged On?

To achieve Purple Flag accreditation, a location typically needs to demonstrate excellence in several key areas, including:

  1. Safety and Security: Ensuring that the area is safe for both residents and visitors, with effective policing and security measures in place.
  2. Cleanliness: Maintaining a clean and welcoming environment, including efforts to reduce litter and graffiti.
  3. Vibrancy and Variety: Offering a diverse range of nighttime activities, such as entertainment, dining, cultural events, and shopping.
  4. Accessibility: Making it easy for people to access and move around the area, including public transportation options.
  5. Marketing and Promotion: Promoting the evening and nighttime economy to attract visitors and create a positive image.
  6. Partnerships and Collaboration: Engaging with various stakeholders, such as local businesses, the police, local government, and community organizations, to work together in managing and enhancing the nighttime economy.
  7. Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring that visitors have a positive experience, with high-quality services and hospitality.

Once a location meets these criteria, it can be awarded the Purple Flag accreditation. The program not only recognizes successful places but also encourages ongoing improvement in nighttime economies, enhancing their attractiveness and safety.

What Criteria is the Award Judged On?

What are the Benefits of Being Purple Flag Accredited?

Receiving the Purple Flag accreditation can boost the local economy, increase tourism, and improve the overall quality of life for residents by providing more night time entertainment and social opportunities. It’s a way for cities and towns to demonstrate their commitment to creating vibrant and safe evening and night time environments.

What are the Benefits of Being Purple Flag Accredited?